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Authors: Həsənzadə, Aişən
Keywords: globalization;independence;moral value;sovereignty
Issue Date: 5-May-2023
Publisher: An international scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev called “The HEYDAR ALIYEV epoch in the development of Azerbaijani science and education”
Abstract: The greatness of historical figures becomes more evident over the years. Just as the peaks of high mountains look majestic from afar, the work and ideas of people who left a deep mark on the history of their nation, built its past and determined its future, are seen more clearly and noticeably over time. Having reached this height, this peak, a person rejoices, admires and thinks. It is natural that the fate of such personalities is always difficult and tumultuous, because they selflessly devote all their meaningful lives to the progress of their homeland, nation, and strengthening of its state. Taking into account the realities of the past and the era in which they lived, the wonderful works, good deeds, and wise ideas of these personalities, who did what was possible and even more than that, shed light on the future of the nation and the state. The existence of such personalities is first of all the happiness of the nation to whom they belong and a divine gift given to that nation from the great God.
ISBN: 978-9952-542-15-8
metadata.dc.source.booktitle: SOCIAL AND HUMANIIES SCIENCES
First page number: 120
Last page number: 125
Number of pages: 6
Appears in Collections:An international scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev called “The HEYDAR ALIYEV epoch in the development of Azerbaijani science and education”

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