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Authors: Mazanova, Nuranə
Keywords: Derbent khanate;the Baku Khanate;the Shamakhy khanate;Lankaran town;Guba province;the ethnic composition of the population
Issue Date: 5-May-2023
Publisher: An international scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev called “The HEYDAR ALIYEV epoch in the development of Azerbaijani science and education”
Abstract: In the article on the basis of the sources the population of the Caspian littoral khanates in the second half of the eighteenth - the early nineteenth centuries is investigated. There were 4 thousand houses in 1770 in the Derbent khanate- one of the Caspian littoral khanates of Azerbaijan. 100 houses in Derbent belonged to Armenians, and the rest were owned by Muslims. And in 1825, 10165 Muslim Azerbaijani Turks, 89 Jews and 40 Armenians lived in Derbent. In 1831, 90.4% of the population was Muslims in the town of Derbent, 3.6% Armenians of the Christian Gregorian sect and 6% were those who served in the Jewish religion. In 1796, in Guba khanate located in the Caspian coastal area (with the exception of Derbent and the surrounding areas) there was only 1 town and 245 villages, in total 6364 yards (houses), and in 1810, in Guba province there were 5698 yards (houses). In 1826, 52 thousand Muslims lived in Guba region; the Armenians were not recorded here. In 1832, 1984 Tatars lived in Guba town, and 42456 Tatars, 204 Armenians, 1450 Jews lived in the 292 villages of Guba province. In 1796, in Baku khanate located on the Caspian Sea coastal area was registered 1820 houses. In early nineteenth century Armenians lived in total of 24 houses in Baku, a, while the rest of the population was composed of Azerbaijani Turks. Armenian population did not live in the villages of Baku at all. In 1810, in total 7622 people lived in Baku khanate, while in 1816 the number of houses had reached to 3862. During the Shamakhy Khan Mustafa Khan's reign more than 10 thousand people lived in the fortress Fitdaghi. In 1795, 4-5 thousand people lived in Shamakhy town. In 1826, 52 thousand Tatars and 13 thousand Armenians lived in Shirvan province. During Qara Khan's reign (1747-1786) there were about 4 thousand yards (houses) in Lankaran khanate. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, there lived about 40 thousand people in the khanate and majority of the population in the khanate were Azerbaijani Turks. As a result of the colonial policy of Russia the population of Lankaran khanate reduced, after the occupation of khanate by Russian troops few Christian population began to live in Lankaran town. In the second half of the eighteenth - beginning of the nineteenth century, beyond doubt the Turkic- Muslim population in the Caspian coastal khanates outnumbered.
ISSN: 978-9952-542-15-8
metadata.dc.source.booktitle: SOCIAL AND HUMANIIES SCIENCES
First page number: 157
Last page number: 161
Number of pages: 5
Appears in Collections:An international scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev called “The HEYDAR ALIYEV epoch in the development of Azerbaijani science and education”

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